By Chris Sabga [Facebook | Website | X]

All wrestling fans have a wish list for 2024.  I’m no exception.  Here’s mine:

  • In 2024, I Would Like to See…These Wrestlers Win World Championships

    Could the next championship Eddie Kingston holds up be the AEW Worlds Championship?  (Photo Credit: Lee South/All Elite Wrestling)
    Could the next championship Eddie Kingston holds up be the AEW Worlds Championship? (Photo Credit: Lee South/All Elite Wrestling)

    Cody Rhodes: It’s time to “finish the story.”  After a massive mixed reaction from the AEW audience, he has sustained his momentum as a major fan favorite in WWE for almost two years now.  Those cheers should be rewarded with championship gold.

    CM Punk: Whether you love him or hate him, you react to him.  Everyone would react to: “And NEEEEEE WWE World Heavyweight Champion – CM Punk!”

    Bryan Danielson: It makes no sense to me that he’s never been AEW World Champion.  In his final year as a full-time professional wrestler, he should get a long overdue reign.  He’ll make the title better just like he’s made the company better.

    Eddie Kingston: The Rocky Balboa of pro wrestling and the most believable “character” – if you can call it that – in the industry today!  Everything about Eddie Kingston feels authentic.  As endearing as his struggles and setbacks make him, I hope 2024 is the year that “Mad King” is crowned AEW’s top champion.

    Becky Lynch: It’s time for “The Man” to be treated like “The Man” again!

  • In 2024, I Would Like to See…Big E Return
    This, of course, depends on Big E’s health.  If he can be cleared to return safely, I would love to see it.  Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods have done a great job representing The New Day, but something – or someone – is missing.  That someone is Big E.
  • In 2024, I Would Like to See…Powerhouse Hobbs and Keith Lee Rise Through the Ranks
    Too many wrestlers, not enough time.  That’s been the ballad of AEW since the beginning.  It’s not a bad “problem” for a young company to have, but it does mean that certain standouts – Powerhouse Hobbs and Keith Lee, for me – get lost in the shuffle from time to time.  Lee is currently injured, but when he comes back, I hope he’s finally placed in a prominent position.
  • If there isn't a serious championship run involving R-Truth then Sabga would accept an "odd couple tag team" between R-Truth and Brock Lesnar.  (Photo Credit: WWE)
    If there isn’t a serious championship run involving R-Truth then Sabga would accept an “odd couple tag team” between R-Truth and Brock Lesnar. (Photo Credit: WWE)

    In 2024, I Would Like to See…R-Truth Get a Serious Championship Run
    R-Truth genuinely deserves a legitimate reign with the Intercontinental, United States, or – dare I say – World Heavyweight Championship.  He’s one of the funniest and most entertaining wrestlers in the world, but he can also get serious when the situation calls for it.  Don’t forget: He looked downright fearsome when he was hitting opponents with water bottles years ago.  If a sustained singles title run somehow isn’t possible, I’ll take R-Truth and Brock Lesnar as an odd couple tag team.  You know you want to see it!

  • In 2024, I Would Like to See…More Surprise Entrants in the Royal Rumble
    WWE has moved away from this somewhat in recent years, which makes me sad.  The Royal Rumble is my all-time favorite WWE event, and surprise entrants are a big part of the reason why.  Give me “The Perfect Ten” Tye Dillinger (in the #10 spot, naturally), give me Albert, give me the “youngster” Carlos Colon again.  Anyone and everyone would be welcome by these eyes.  The more random the better!
  • Even though 2023 saw "The Iron Claw" and "Wrestlers", Sabga wants more movies and documentaries.  (Photo Credit: Netflix)
    Even though 2023 saw The Iron Claw and Wrestlers, Sabga wants more movies and documentaries. (Photo Credit: Netflix)

    In 2024, I Would Like to See…Academy Award Nominations for Wrestlers and Wrestling Movies
    While a Best Supporting Actor nomination for Dave Bautista’s multifaceted role in Knock at the Cabin seems like a pipe dream, The Iron Claw appears to have a legitimate shot at being an Oscar contender in multiple categories.  Will it happen?  I hope so!  Its success would pave the way for…

  • In 2024, I Would Like to See…More Films and and Documentaries about Pro Wrestling
    2023 was a banner year, with the Von Erich biopic The Iron Claw, the Netflix documentary Wrestlers, and more.  I hope this continues in 2024 – and beyond.

Chris Sabga has written for WOW Magazine, CBS Sportsline’s WrestleLine,, They Live By Film, and

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